As a person who has been job hunting for a good year, I can safely say that there are actually receptionist/secretary jobs that say something like “job is perfect for anyone who has a gap in their resume or is new to the job force” and “high school graduate (required)” BUT THEN SAYS “three year front desk experience required.”

5 Reasons Why Job Hunting Sucks

Disclaimer: This is a rant used for comedic purposes. If you do not take sarcasm and satire well and can’t handle negative energy used for humor, this might not be your cup of tea so be warned not to continue, if that is the case. NOTE: The featured image for this post is from MemeGuy. Are you currently unemployed and are searching for a job? Do you find that job hunting is sometimes a stupid waste of time, if not an entirely waste of time? Or that it just is so stupid all the time? Well, let me give you

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