Talk with Donuts Podcast Episode 3: Why Asian Men Are Sexy

I needed to release this episode to help bring some love, kindness, and support for and to Asian men.

Growing up, I was always confused, repulsed, and angry at the messages that Hollywood was pushing out, portraying to, and telling me about Asian men’s sexuality and physical attraction. I was raised in a predominantly-Asian and Hispanic community and was surrounded by good-looking and sexy Asian (and Hispanic) men on a daily basis. That, paired with the stars I saw on YouTube back in the day, made me feel like I needed to release this episode to help bring some love, kindness, and support for and to Asian men. So let’s open up this conversation and talk! 

DISCLAIMER: This episode’s and blog post’s cover image does NOT belong to me. I am only using it for discussion and entertainment purposes. Credit goes to/the original source:

I hope you guys enjoy this episode and as always, you can contact me at my email and comment below to share your thoughts on this new podcast. You can also follow me on my social media handles too to stay updated on my posts and content releases!

Let me know what you guys think about the sexy Asian men I mention in this podcast episode! Got any suggestions? Let me know down below!

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