I needed to release this episode to help bring some love, kindness, and support for and to Asian men.

Talk with Donuts Podcast Episode 3: Why Asian Men Are Sexy

Growing up, I was always confused, repulsed, and angry at the messages that Hollywood was pushing out, portraying to, and telling me about Asian men's sexuality and physical attraction. I was raised in a predominantly-Asian and Hispanic community and was surrounded by good-looking and sexy Asian (and Hispanic) men on a daily basis. That, paired with the stars I saw on YouTube back in the day, made me feel like I needed to release this episode to help bring some love, kindness, and support for and to Asian men. So let's open up this conversation and talk!  DISCLAIMER: This episode's

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Languages–all of them besides English are equally beautiful. All of them are. They are a unique way for groups of people to express themselves and communicate with others. But in a country like America where the dominant culture and language is Western and English, and as an Asian American girl who is still craving more representation of someone who looks, speaks, and is like me–I want more Korean lyrics.

Why English Should Not be America’s Official Language

No, I get it. I know that that title alone will get me in the hot seat. But hear me out first before you burn me at the stake. Disclaimer: The cover image used for this blog post is from Pinterest. While we're on the subject, all images, videos, and media used in this post do NOT belong to me and are from linked sources. I am only using them for entertainment and discussion purposes. Recently, a great song was released by two well-known bands--one that has been in the industry for so long and has repeatedly proven their talent

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Guys, please meet Sarah Faith Griffiths, professionally and more known as Griff. Born on January 21, 2001, she to a Jamaican father and Chinese mother, she is still young, but incredibly talented and wise.

Asian Spotlight: Meet Griff

DISCLAIMER: The cover image for this post does NOT belong to me. It is from BBC Entertainment and is only used in this post for entertainment and discussion purposes. One of the things I wanted growing up was to see more faces like mine in the mainstream media. And now, in 2021, I am so moved and ecstatic to see so many Asians breaking through in the mainstream media, reality realm, and yes, now in music. That is why I am so happy to introduce another beautiful Asian face to my blog series, Asian Spotlight. Guys, please meet Sarah Faith Griffiths, professionally

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A down to earth and real guy who is friendly, mature, and considerate, I really connected with him on Bling Empire.

Asian Spotlight: Meet Kevin Taejin Kreider

DISCLAIMER: The cover image for this post does NOT belong to me. It is from The Global Coverage and is only used in this post for entertainment and discussion purposes. Don't you ever tell me Asian guys are NOT sexy. As an Asian American woman, one of the fastest ways to have me rolling my eyes, piss me off, and get me to hate you is to say that "Asian men are not sexy." Therefore, in an attempt to combat the racist, misinformed, ignorant, and decades-long stereotypes the media has placed onto Asian men as a group, I will now

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“Let love be” as the title of Episode 4 says, but do not use “love” as a guise, cover-up, or pretense for a hidden agenda to acquire certain benefits you don’t have; that is not love then.

Support Black Creators: Watch the Do Better Webseries (Part 2)

NOTE: The featured image for this post is from DoBetter.TV. All images and videos in this post do not belong to me. I have provided the original source of each image or video used. Welcome back, guys! This is part 2 to my blog post “Support Black Creators: Watch the Do Better Webseries.” Last time we talked about how the Do Better webseries--which follows the lives of six Black and Asian friends--is a great story that you should watch because it tackles complex subjects. Some of those topics include: Systems of Oppression and Racism; whether or not the six friends,

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No matter how hard or how stressful parenting is, it does not excuse abusive or toxic parenting.

Asian Upbringing: Asian Parents Introduction (Part 1)

Hey guys! I’m going to start a blog series called Asian Upbringing to share my personal experiences growing up in an Asian household as an Asian American that I hope will be relatable to many of you out there. After having a difficult time dealing with my parents over the course of my life and seeing similar experiences elsewhere on the internet, I wanted to start this to provide a place that can help others feel that they are not alone. There will be many parts to this series and I will try my best to recap and link back

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Living in America, I find myself having two identities, navigating through them both day in and day out, but never truly fitting into either.

What Does It Mean to Be Asian American?

From one Vietnamese American’s perspective. What does it mean to be Asian American?  I think being Asian American means always being in a state of constant identity limbo. Living in America, I find myself having two identities, navigating through them both day in and day out, but never truly fitting into either. Speaking from only my experience and of those around me, as a person of Asian descent, specifically of Vietnamese descent, there are times when I feel I am not completely accepted within my community. Factors such as language barrier, not knowing the full history of my motherland, and

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I realized now that it was easier to love my American identity growing up because I live here and am immersed in it. However, to fall in love with my Vietnamese/Asian identity, I had to actively yearn, learn, wrestle, and independently be curious about it.

My 5 Problems with Being an Asian American Woman

Disclaimer: These are my personal experiences growing up. I know there are Asian American women who have completely different experiences than me and may not agree with anything that I say below. However, to dismiss it is offensive to me because these problems exist in my life even if they have not happened to or affected you personally. I know there will be someone out there who would be able to identify with some of the experiences I have been through though and this post is for them and to open a discussion I don't see anywhere else on the

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Comparison and competition leads us to this final killer: a lack of compassion, specifically a lack of compassion among each other in the Asian American community. Everyone is worried about themselves, no one has time to even be bothered about other people’s problems which when combined with feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, loneliness, and the stress and need for success, all this can lead to some horrible repercussions. Yes, I will say it: mental disorders and flirting with the idea of committing suicide.

3 Things Killing the Asian American Community

Disclaimer: Due to the sensitive nature of this post, I feel responsible and obligated to disclose that the opinions and words below are mine alone based on my personal life experiences. The featured image of this post is from ADAA.org. The Asian American community is a diverse one made up of individuals from a wide variety of different countries. You have East Asians, South Asians, and Pacific Islander Asians. Despite the vast spectrum of skin colors, languages, cultures, clothing, and food, there are 3 things that are slowly and silently killing the youth from these communities. Those are: comparison, competition,

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We as Asian Americans are called out when we speak up. It needs to stop here and this is why I brought up this conversation. I am not like the generation before me who stayed silent for the sake of keeping peace or for fear of stirring controversy or causing trouble. Again, this is why I take pride in my duo identity.

Response to “I am Asian American. Stop Asking Me Where I Am From”

Disclaimer: the featured photo for this blog post is from ABC News. All images on this post are from external sources. Click on the links in the previous line or under each image to find the original source of each image used for this post. I do not own any of the images used or take credit for them. I want to first thank everyone who read my article "I am Asian American. Stop Asking Me Where I Am From" in its entirety on Asian Articulation or through my blog Talk with Donuts. I appreciate all who let me voice

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