You have to establish a healthy relationship with yourself first before you can cultivate healthy ones with others.
In Part 1 and Part 2 of the “How to Love Yourself” blog series, we talked about:
- The importance of confidence and attitude
- The need to have a mental chant
- Speaking to the mirror at least twice a day
- Owning a Love Journal
- Creating a Before and After List for and about YOU
- Finding people you respect and aspire to be
- Having goals, passions, and hobbies
- Having a list of accomplishments
- The importance of working out and how to effectively do so
Today, we’re going to continue the “Put It Into Actions” section of the How to Love Yourself blog series.
10. Enjoy Alone Time. Have Some Adventures on Your Own.
Some of you may be single. Some might not be. Regardless, even if you’re in a relationship, you have to have some time that you spend on your own. Even mothers who love their child to death and would kill to protect them still need some time apart from their kid.
Why? Well, their identity–specifically, their title in life–is NOT just “mother to _______” or “______’s mother.” They are also their own individuals with other identities and titles as well, such as -*gasp*-, guess what? their own name and person.
Similarly, you are not just your significant other’s romantic partner. For example, you are NOT just “Jake’s girlfriend,” “Susan’s boyfriend,” or “Tim’s husband.” You are also your own individual person with your own name and your own identity.
Chances are everything you like, you to do not share with your special person–or even with any of your friends, including your own twin (if you have one)! In a romantic partnership–and even in friendships, too–both people are like Venn diagrams. Your interests, passions, and hobbies may overlap. Values may align entirely, but your personality does not. You share things, but you are NOT the same individual.
There are certain things that you do that can only fulfill YOU. Things only you like and enjoy that your partner or friend does not (or may not). Essentially, that’s what makes you your own person. You are not just your partner’s love interest or significant other. You are you–your own individual person with your own separate identity (and name), too.
Therefore, you should always set some time to grow alone as a person and to take care of yourself because in a romantic relationship (and this includes friendships, too!), you are not coming–or rather, you should not be coming–together as one person (blending your identities together), but instead be functioning together as two separate individuals.
You guys are a team and a team has individual members, who when they come together are stronger together because of their differences.
In other words, what and how each member uses those differences for, talent- and skill-wise, offer something better for the overall team and enhance it as a complete unit. Similar to how players of a team need to practice their roles on their own to strengthen themselves before they can successfully contribute to the overall strength of the entire team, you need to work on yourself on your own time before you go to your partner/friend to enjoy time together, to be a great team together. Otherwise, again, you’re not going to be your own individual and fulfilled person, and you’re going to be over-reliant on someone else to bring you happiness and that is never a good thing.
Trust me, there will be strains in your relationships and that’s not beneficial in your journey for self-love to depend on others for your own happiness.
I would like to say here that I am willing to bet that you’re not flawless. You likely have inner demons and a few insecurities about yourself that you need to work on, whether that be past traumas or mental health issues. You need to work on these issues on your own time, heal yourself, and develop yourself as an individual; that way, when you do go to enjoy time with your partner/friends, it doesn’t ruin the partnership/friendship–and the overall team.
NOTE: I do not mean to say that you cannot rely on your friends and partner to help you along the way. No, good friends and romantic partners should support you and be there for you. However, do not let them fight the entire battle or have them do the brunt of the work for you. It is your internal struggles and weaknesses because it is your life; therefore, get their support (you deserve it–to have a good support system behind you), but do not let them do the heavy work to improve yourself.
That is why you have to be–or should be–on your own sometimes and be comfortable with it. No matter how true your love or friendship is, you must love yourself first, even before your significant other, friend, family, and/or child. Because things can change. People can come and go. But you are stuck with you forever; thus, you better like you. And another thing: do not (ever) rely on someone else to give you validation, love, respect, or attention. Again, you are your own person with your own identity and title.
You have to establish a healthy relationship with yourself first before you can cultivate healthy ones with others.
Enjoy some time away from your significant other and/or friends to work on and to spend time with yourself. It’s a nice break to focus on you, but also is another way for you to grow and learn, and to be comfortable on your own. And you can’t do that, especially in a fulfilling way, with the weight of someone’s presence constantly around you.
Returning to what I had said above in the “NOTE” section, no one should be rescuing you from your demons and flaws. Those are yours to face and overcome. This is your life and your story. You are the hero in this tale. Think how uncathartic it would be if Hermione or Ron defeated Voldemort for Harry instead of Harry himself. You’re the main character in your story. You deserve the spotlight to make yourself the hero.
By the way, the most dramatic (and sometimes best) change usually happens when we’re most uncomfortable. Do not use your significant other or friend(s) as a life vest that you depend on to face or go through life. Learn to be uncomfortable by yourself. That’s the best time to grow and learn–and experience life.
And for anyone feeling gloomy about their lack of romance and relationship history, let me tell you something: it’s hard. Dating and romance is hard. Just take a look at celebrities and how they’re always changing around who they’re with. So if you’re not with someone, don’t beat yourself up. Do not think for one second that your lack of a romantic partner means you’re a loser or a failure in life. You can still kill it in life without having someone in the crook of your arm.
Also sometimes, love is just a headache. One of my favorite YouTubers (turned TikTok-er), LeendaDProductions (now known as LeendaDong / @yoleendadong on TikTok), said that we should focus on ourselves and learn to be happy on our own because the moment a guy (or girl/potential romantic partner) comes into the picture, they just find ways to bring drama into our lives.
Enjoy just worrying about yourself, and doing things on your own terms and on your own time without having to always consider or take into account another person’s opinions and well-being. Enjoy being on your own, discovering and learning more about yourself; having adventures on your own; and growing, learning, and developing yourself overall as a person. Maybe you can become a better version of yourself with this alone time you spend with just yourself. I know I did.
And if you need any help with dating and relationships, there’s always this resource that you can click on.
11. Pay Attention to Yourself
Along with the advice given in Tip #10 above, you also need to take care of your and your body’s needs. Be aware of your well-being, both physical and mental (and spiritual, too, if you’re a believer).
The questions you should be periodically asking yourself are:
- Are you eating enough?
- Sleeping enough?
- Staying hydrated?
- Getting enough nutrients and vitamins into your body?
- How are you feeling?
- How have you been lately?
- Are you resting enough?
- Are you taking care of yourself properly right now?
Make sure that if you accomplish something that you treat yourself out some time after that achievement or success. Buy yourself a cute shirt or something. Or maybe grab a fun drink (or two) or perhaps indulge yourself on a dessert that you’ve been holding off on/resisting for some time.
Always treat yourself well and make sure you’re feeling pampered, happy, and content with life.
If you can afford it, maybe after a workout or something major, give yourself a spa day. You can have a bubble bomb and soak in the bathtub, drink a little bit of wine. Or if you complete a challenge like Chloe Ting’s 5 Week Booty Challenge, go all out and give yourself a real spa day where you go get your hair and nails done. You know, the whole treatment. Just make sure you make yourself happy and reward yourself for your hard work and success.
Don’t ever worry about what others say or think about you or ever be consumed with other people and their drama; focus on your goals, live life, and look out for only YOUR own happiness. No one else’s should matter because you’re the only one living your life and dealing with the ups and downs, the rewards, and the consequences of all your actions and choices.
Remember, this, again, is YOUR story. Do whatever pleases YOU.
And obviously, this advice does not mean being a bad friend/person, or screwing other people and their happiness (making them pay the price for your happiness). It just means not catering to other people’s expectations and opinions of you, and not being or feeling obligated to fulfill or be chained to them.
12. Make Sure You Are Taking Care of Yourself Physically
Make sure you’re always brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day (don’t develop gingivitis!). Take care of your skin and always check that you smell nice. Oh, and have cute outfits that make you happy, channel your unique sense of style and personality, and that makes you feel confident–like a boss–when you wear it. As Marie Kondo says, your clothes/belongings should bring you joy; otherwise, you should get rid of them.
- Have a Skin Care Routine. You cannot love yourself easily if you don’t like what you see. You have to take care of yourself, nurture yourself, and make sure you give yourself a solid reason why you SHOULD love YOU by proving it to your eyes. This is a journey to self-love; thus, you MUST put in some work and effort. If you’re going on a date, you have to dress up for the occasion. If you’re trying to date YOU, you must do the same, too! Dress up for YOU; so try to obtain glowing skin because it helps top your look. I use skin care products from Origins to help me feel and look great. What do you guys use?
- Make sure you drink water everyday. This is hard for me because I am such a busy person and don’t like making frequent bathroom trips. But if you want regular bowel movements (which is healthy for your body, helps remove waste, and makes the going easier (no need to push!)), then drink water. At least 8 cups.
- Or for (somewhat) better results, drink your weight in ounces. For instance, if you weigh 120 pounds, aim for drinking that much in ounces everyday. That gets a bit iffy, though, the heavier you are. If you’re a 200-pound person, I wouldn’t recommend that (I don’t want you to dilute your body’s necessary electrolytes). But at least consume the standard 8 cups per day!!! If you want clear skin that is on the level of Korean idols, drink water. If you want a functioning body that isn’t sluggish either, drink water.
- What do I do to help myself drink water? Have a large glass of water and make sure I finish it every 2 hours. I had a large cup that measured out to 30 ounces. I had to drink 4 of those every day. Which I was able to do because in my mind, drinking 4 of those was doable instead of getting up to refill my glass 8 times over (or actually 7 times since the 1st cup doesn’t count as a refill…).
- I also have a Water Reminder app on my phone, which I set (or maybe it’s already pre-set?) to ring every hour and remind me to drink water until I reach my goal. The app allows me to log in the amount of water I drink whenever I am done with a glass, thermos, or Gatorade bottle–whichever container you use to stay hydrated (yes, it does that! How cool, right?). Once I reach my goal, it stops sending me reminders for the rest of the day. So yeah, try doing this 🙂 It makes a cool water sound (like water being poured) each hour to remind you to drink, and I, personally, think it’s kind of cool and cute.
- Listen to music to boost your mood. My go-to soundtrack to help me love myself and believe in myself are (which are all linked, by the way):
- Who Says (Selena Gomez)
- Rare (Selena Gomez)
- Raise Your Glass (P!nk)
- So What (P!nk)
- King (Lauren Aquilina)
- Stronger (Kelly Clarkson)
- Hall of Fame (The Script and Will.I.Am)
- The Man (Taylor Swift)
- On (BTS)
- Show Goes On (Lupe Fiasco)
- Move Your Body (SIA)
- Never Give Up (SIA)
- The Greatest (SIA)
- Counting Stars (One Republic)
- Lose Yourself (Eminem)
- Fireworks (Katy Perry)
- What Makes You Beautiful (One Direction)
- Born This Way (Lady Gaga)
Have songs that help you love yourself, or ones that make it easier to love you. For instance, for me, that’s listening to Shakira’s “Whenever, Whereever” song. I have small boobs and something about the lyrics “lucky that my breasts are small and humble, so you don’t confuse them with mountains” has always made me feel that my boob size is perfect. Also, I’m pear-shaped like Shakira is and so, when she sings that her “Hips Don’t Lie,” well, I feel like a queen hearing it.
- Don’t underestimate the impact of having a boss outfit. Or several of them. What I mean is: make sure you have an outfit (or as many as possible) that makes you feel like a boss when you wear it. Whether it brings out your butt, your boobs, or any of your best assets, have at least one to bring out the confidence from inside you out.
- And do some research on outfits that complement your figure and body type, too! This outfit/these outfits will help you love yourself more. I, personally, love wearing hoodies and short shorts, and then tying a bandana in my hair. I just feel cute, lovable, and awesome (and even badass). Point is, I’m happy and that’s what needs to happen (and is all that really matters). I need to feel that–this confidence, joy, and excitement that comes from wearing the clothes that make me feel good and amazing–to help me work on loving myself more easily, so that one day, at one point, it just comes out more naturally.
13. Invest Time into Therapy
Invest in your mental health by going to therapy to solve (, discover, or uncover) any childhood traumas, any personal issues, and/or any inner demons you may have. Trust me, they are there. No one is perfect (and that’s okay! Neither am I!). A wise person once told me that
your parents and the experiences you had as a child, especially traumatic ones and events that happen during your most vulnerable years, have a lasting impact on you to the point that they color your everyday decisions, experiences, and how you perceive the world around you.
Thus, visit a therapist and try to find out just how deep these early events have shaped you and how they still do.
Remember: take care of your mental health and, most importantly, yourself overall.
If you cannot afford therapy, go to online group forums. Reddit has helped me deal with my heart break and family issues time and time again. Seeing others go through similar experiences like me helped me cope and deal with those issues, learn more about myself, and receive indirect support.
If you take advice, try to give back advice, too. It would be beneficial for you to share your experiences and lessons you’ve come to learn on your own with others to help them with their issues. This also helps you feel good about yourself and will help with your self-love journey, being altruistic.
Seeing others experience similar struggles as me and learning together as a group was a massive help. I didn’t feel so alone or misunderstood, and people, in general, were supportive as long as you were, too. And the best part about these types of online groups is that they’re free! Being very helpful, affordable, and an overall great experience, I would strongly recommend it to you guys as an alternative to actual, expensive therapy (if you do not have the money for it).
Although, professional therapy might be better for you if you have more serious things to deal with. Reddit is filled with normal people with no professional or medical background–of course, there are doctors on there, I am sure!–but they cannot give you proper nor the appropriate treatment unless you are their client and are sitting in front of them for treatment/help. So, if your case needs professional help, please seek that help.
NOTE: I am I NOT a licensed, credentialed, certified, or registered medical professional. All I am doing in this post is giving suggestions. Not real professional or medical advice or help. If you need that, please search for the appropriate person to help you.
Of course, you can also write or record (via audio) your thoughts and emotions into a journal/diary/notebook or onto a recording device, such as your phone, your computer, or a tape recorder. Email it to yourself if you want to, too.
Just talk or write things out. Let it all go free. Don’t stop for grammar or spelling. Who cares about any of that at this moment (or at the moment you write all of this out). Just let your thoughts flow freely and openly, and allow them to go to wherever they please. With no restraints.
By releasing all your stresses out into the world by pouring it onto a blank page, you don’t allow them to fester and destroy your mind and body anymore. This will have a drastic effect, I promise you. I know, because it made a gigantic difference for me when I had started journaling and talking things out to myself and to others (my great friends). This process also allows you to look at things differently, see something new, or even helps you to discover something you weren’t previously aware of until you started openly discussing it.
Also, talk to your friends if you don’t like being alone to write or to talk to yourself. Sometimes, having a trusted person give advice and actual feedback may be very helpful in comparison to talking/writing by yourself. You can talk and let things out when you’re with them, but make sure you’re ready to listen, too. Because I’m sure your friend wants to help you if you’re coming to them for that help.
14. Take Pictures of Yourself
Like I suggested in the working out advice (#9), take pictures to have evidence of your awesomeness. You’re dating yourself, so dress up for you and snap some pictures of yourself! Make memories with you!
During quarantine, I put on some makeup for no reason at all, dressed up in something cute like an adorable workout tank top and shorts for a few days (of course, a different outfit every day) and just snapped a few pictures to let me admire myself and love myself.
Go all out on those selfies! Remember, the point is to help you love yourself. So get into the mood. Have fun with it!!! Take them all in your best angles. In every angle possible!
Make some solid proof and give yourself reasons to love you. When you feel down one day or feel ugly and unloved, open them and see why you love you! 😉 Have this selfie/picture day often (or whenever you’re free) to keep reminding yourself how awesome and beautiful/handsome you are! And to keep stacking up and giving yourself more proof.
15. Talk to Yourself and See Yourself as Your Own Friend; Have a Friend Mode
All good friends defend and protect their friends. They don’t attack their friends, even when given the chance to and especially never behind their friends’ backs. That means you do not talk negatively about your most precious friend: a.k.a YOU. Therefore, when you do catch yourself in the middle of talking bad about your friend–again, a.k.a YOU–stop it. Right away and right there on the spot.
You wouldn’t let someone trash talk a friend you love. And if you want to love you, you wouldn’t let anyone—including YOURSELF–talk bad about you, as your own friend. Be a friend to yourself. Be the good friend. Protect and defend yourself from you and that means protecting and defending yourself from your own negative talk.
I learned this from YouTuber Ana Akana. And Taylor Swift. Here are some of those specific videos that I learned this lesson from.
When you catch yourself talking trash about yourself, enter the friend mode of yourself and say:
“No. We do not speak to ourself/[insert your name] that way.”
Yes, it might sound silly, but it helps. If you’re thinking or saying to yourself that “your nose is too fat,” “you have huge thunder thighs,” or that “you’re ugly,” let your inner friend come out and say “No. Don’t talk to my friend like that.”
Don’t ever call or consider yourself ugly either. As one of my favorite rappers has said, ugly (U.G.L.Y) is just an acronym for “U Gotta Love Yourself.” May it be used as a reminder that you have some self-work to do and a need to discover your own self-love. See below:
Remember the chant from #2 in Part 1? Say your mental chant here (or whenever you feel down about yourself); list all the reasons why you love you. This is a good place and time to.
You don’t need to look like Beyonce, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Chris Hemsworth, or Tom Cruise to be pretty or handsome in this world. You just have to believe that you are (pretty and/or handsome) and believe in your worth.
I know; it’s hard. Especially when the whole world tells you that you’re not conventionally attractive or easy on the eyes. Or when you, yourself, tell that to yourself. Every day. Every second. Every possible chance you have. Picking at every little thing that’s wrong with you, rather than looking at what’s RIGHT with you.
That’s why you need to work on yourself and re-shift your focus, criticism, mind/thoughts, and self-love. Get to a point in life where you can tell yourself and make yourself believe that you are pretty/handsome. Try to get to a day where it becomes natural to tell yourself that. Positive, happy, uplifting thoughts. That’s why I say prove it to yourself with evidence (pictures–hence the cover photo for this blog post!) and work on yourself (find a passion or hobby, etc.) to make yourself get there. Because if you can’t prove or convince even yourself to like you, how can you get others to believe in and like you, too?
I used to be an awful runner as I have told you guys in Part 2 of this blog series. People thought I was a horrible runner, too. I mean, come on, who takes 26 minutes to run ONE mile? But only after practicing over and over again, and working hard on myself, did I slowly improve and became one of the fastest runners in my class. Taylor Swift used to be bullied; Selena Gomez was too; Priyanka Chopra was as well (more proof here). However, look at where each of these women are now. They’re global superstars, makeup entrepreneurs, and even models/actresses now.
By the way, if you’re starving yourself to lose weight because you think you’re fat or are gaining weight, be like Taylor and say to yourself, “No, we do not do that anymore.” It’s okay to say no to yourself (and you should! Because it will help you to say no to others as well! Practice at it!) and to re-shift your words to something that is not only more positive, but is also something you believe in, too, so you don’t lie to yourself.
For example, instead of saying to yourself “aww man, I hate my belly pooch” or “my butt sags,” say, instead, to yourself:
“No, Self/[insert your name here], we don’t talk like that anymore. I have [insert compliment about yourself here (hint: pretty eyes or a radiant smile)] and I’m proud of it. Sure, I have a little bit more work to do on myself, but I also have great attributes about myself too, such as [insert another compliment (hint: a great sense of humor, resilience, creativity, etc.)].”
Treat yourself well and take good care of yourself as I have already told you time and time again throughout this blog series.
Defend yourself.
Stand up for yourself.
Fight for YOU!
Which leads me to my next point…
16. NO Negative (Self-)Talk
You can’t love you, or claim to love yourself, if you keep talking trash about yourself and/or constantly keep putting yourself down. Even if it’s in the form of just a simple joke (hey, small things do matter!). Just like how people say, “you are what you eat,” you can also be whatever you think of yourself; in other words, you can be a product of your own thoughts.
I talked about the importance of having confidence and a healthy attitude about yourself in #1. You know why? Have you ever stood by someone–maybe a friend, relative, or stranger–who was/is just so unconfident, doubtful, or extremely self-aware about themselves to the point where you can feel or sense that they’re uncomfortable even in their own skin? Well, if you’re unconfident or uncomfortable with yourself, as a person, whether you like (or realize) it or not, other people can tell, or can, at least, sense it.
If you love and believe in yourself, you will exude it; in your thoughts, actions, and the way you carry yourself overall (e.g. how you walk, talk, and interact with others). Therefore, let’s address just where our negativity comes from and how it affects how we think, feel, act, and carry ourselves. And YES, even in how we talk to ourselves, out loud or in our own minds.
A. Forgive Yourself. Move Forward Like a River, Never In Reverse.
We all have made mistakes at some point in our lives. We all have done something we’ve regretted, something we wish we could go back in time to change, something that make us visibly cringe or kick ourselves (literally and/or figuratively) for ever doing. These negative thoughts and feelings of embarrassment, resentment, disbelief, and/or anger can oftentimes fester in our minds. As a result, these all can then channel into the very words we tell ourselves both inside our heads and out. When we’re alone. And especially when we are down.
It’s a bad habit. And we know it. Yet, we still keep doing it. That’s why I am telling you now, when and if that ever happens again…
Stop it.
Forgive yourself.
You are human.
And as humans, we are imperfect by nature. It is innate, written into our DNA, that we will always f*ck up. And that’s okay (life has less pressure that way). So, don’t beat yourself up for your mistakes. Realize that we make mistakes because it is NECESSARY. To learn and to grow in life. In order to really and properly enjoy and live a fulfilling and rewarding life, you need to–and must–make the occasional oopsie daisy here and there. I mean, how else would you be able to become wiser? Grow more compassionate? Change? Get stronger?

Additionally, you always learn more from bad experiences than from good ones. Good experiences never challenge us to change; they, instead, allow us to be comfortable. Learn to welcome mistakes and use them as OPPORTUNITIES to reflect, learn, and grow/change. Rather than dwell on the past, on something you cannot ever change (no matter how much you may want or wish it to be), on something that is forever permanent, thanks to time, move forward. Like a river. Always going on, never turning back.

A river constantly moves and flows. It doesn’t stop. It pushes and keeps going. Never in reverse. Be like a river and keep going. Water in a river collects things along its path and carries those objects with it as it continues flowing. Think of those rocks, sand, minerals, and particles as your lessons, both small and big, that you’ve picked up and will carry with you as you move forever forward in life.
Keep flowing, keep moving. Be fluid (don’t be stubborn and closed-minded!). Accept your past and forgive yourself, so you can enjoy the present and future. Move on and look to tomorrow instead (that doesn’t mean avoiding accountability though, but that’s a different topic for another day!). That way you won’t miss all the good things that you have right now in front of you. And so you don’t miss the next awaiting adventure that’s coming for you. Focus on growing, and not staying stagnate and forever ashamed.
“Keep moving forward” as the characters in (one of my all-time favorite Disney movies) Meet the Robinsons say over and over again throughout the story. Celebrate your mishaps. Then let them go. Let them “roll right off your shoulder. Don’t you know? The hardest part is over” 🙂 Check out lyrics to that song from the movie below:
Oh, and don’t be a Goob. Holding onto one mistake that you’ve made and being stuck in the past to the point where it destroys your happiness and future; turns you literally ugly (inside and out); and makes you become a hateful, bitter, vengeful, and angry person.
From this adorable child:

To THIS man:
B. Leave the Past Behind You


Forgive yourself for your mistakes. You did what you needed to do, what you thought was best for YOU AT THAT TIME. Another thing about the past: it can never be changed; so again, forgive yourself for your mistakes. Understand that, sometimes, we make, or made, the best choices we could possibly have made in that moment; whatever was afforded to us at the time.
It’s only because you’re looking back now and reflecting about it that you’re realizing and seeing it as a mistake. So leave the past behind you. Forgive yourself. Know and always remember that you did the best you could have done AT. THAT. TIME. Be like Frozen‘s Elsa: “Let it Go” or be like Timon and Pumbaa in Lion King, “You gotta put your past behind ya.”
C. Every Failure/Mistake is a Learning Process/Opportunity
You learn more from the bad experiences and/or the mistakes you have made than from happiness and success. And that’s a promise. You’re busy celebrating during the good times (and you deserve to be!), so, of course, you’re not thinking about improvement in these instances; you’re thinking of rewarding yourself. And like I said before, do not ever be afraid of failing or making mistakes. It is all a learning process, every chance a learning opportunity. As Rafiki said in Lion King, “live and learn.”
In conclusion, be kind to yourself. Make a vow to yourself right now, to let the past go and to just forget it. Only think about today, the right now, and the future. Move forward to a better future and a better you. Always, always, always, treat yourself well, and that begins with forgiving YOU.
Thank you for reading all the way to the end! If you want to continue this series, Part 4 is now available! Part 1 and Part 2 are here too for your convenience as well in case you have not caught up. Just click on the link! 🙂