Why You Should Love Your Skin Care Routine

If you LOVE your skin care routine, you will do it every single day and that is basically the point; ensuring that it is (or becomes) a habit, so you can reap the greatest benefits from your time, dedication, and commitment.

Having a great skin care routine is essential for having–yes, great skin!

Therefore, if you LOVE your skin care routine, you will do it every single day and that is basically the point–ensuring that it is (or becomes) a habit, so you can reap the greatest benefits from your time, dedication, and commitment. You schedule for it regularly, you’re excited for and enjoy doing it, AND your skin glows. It’s all just a nice feedback-looping process! Your skin will thank you and you will feel amazing as a result. It’s a win-win. And who doesn’t love to win twice for anything?

A favorite characteristic of my skin care routine is the smell. All of my moisturizers, toners, and serums come from the brand Origins which all have fruit-flavored scents. They make me happy whenever and while I put them on and as a result, makes and keeps me devoted to my skin care routine. Just imagine how happy, giddy, and gleeful I am as I move the creams/products across my face.

The specific products I use from Origins are:

  • Ginzing Oil-Free Energy-Boosting Gel Moisturizer
    • Why do I love it? It smells like an explosion of citrus fruits, such as grapefruit and oranges.
  • United State Balancing Tonic
    • This one smells like alcohol; but hey, it’s a toner! I have oily skin, so I use this one. There are more options for other skin types.
  • Original Skin Renewal Serum
    • I love this one because it smells like peach Yoplait yogurt to me.
Image from Origins
Image from Amazon
Image from Origins

If you would like to try Origins products, find the products that match your skin type. Mine is oily, so these were the products that were recommended to me by a representative. I suggest you meet someone who represents the brand first, then schedule an appointment with them so they can tell you which products suit your skin best!

For lip balm, I use Softlips Lip Balm Protectant Sunscreen SPF 20 Vanilla flavor.

Image from Amazon

As for the rest of my body, I love using lavender Baby Lotion. It has a nice, calming scent, makes me happy, and thus, helps me stay consistent with the routine, which, again, is the point of a great and healthy skin care regimen.

Image from Amazon

Now, what’s one important step that should come before a skin care routine? Prepping the skin with what else, but a refreshing splash of face wash, of course!

  • For removing makeup, I usually use Origins Checks and Balances Frothy Face Wash
    • It’s really good at getting everything off. Although, WARNING: your face gets really dry after, so make sure you moisturize; otherwise, your skin will overproduce more of its natural oil to rehydrate your skin in order to restore a healthy pH balance. And that can lead to clogged pores and thus, acne–and no one ever wants that!
  • Origins Clear Improvement® Active Charcoal Mask
    • This one I use once a week to help unclog any pores and keep them clean, refreshed, and healthy.
  • Clean & Clear Oil-Free Deep Action Cream Facial Cleanser
    • This one I use everyday if I wear makeup to work. It gives a nice cooling and tingling feeling after you wash it off. And I love that fresh feeling because it’s similar to the one you get after brushing your teeth. It’s like having minty-fresh breath, but instead of in your mouth, the feeling is on your skin!
  • Clean & Clear Blackhead Eraser Facial Scrub with Salicylic Acid
    • I use this twice a week to target the blackheads on my cheeks and the ones mostly on my nose.
Image from Origins
Image from Amazon
Image from Target
Image from Target

What products do you guys use? Let me know and/or suggest me some new ones to try in the comments! Don’t forget to give me any necessary warnings and tell me pros and cons for those products (why you like or may not like to use them). Should I make a makeup post one day, too? Let me know all down in the comments 🙂 Thank you, guys!