Comparison and competition leads us to this final killer: a lack of compassion, specifically a lack of compassion among each other in the Asian American community. Everyone is worried about themselves, no one has time to even be bothered about other people’s problems which when combined with feelings of self-doubt, unworthiness, loneliness, and the stress and need for success, all this can lead to some horrible repercussions. Yes, I will say it: mental disorders and flirting with the idea of committing suicide.

3 Things Killing the Asian American Community

Disclaimer: Due to the sensitive nature of this post, I feel responsible and obligated to disclose that the opinions and words below are mine alone based on my personal life experiences. The featured image of this post is from The Asian American community is a diverse one made up of individuals from a wide variety of different countries. You have East Asians, South Asians, and Pacific Islander Asians. Despite the vast spectrum of skin colors, languages, cultures, clothing, and food, there are 3 things that are slowly and silently killing the youth from these communities. Those are: comparison, competition,

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I am Asian American: Stop asking me where I am from. Let’s ask a different question.

Since I am a Vietnamese American and have struggled with my identity as I have grown up, I thought it would be the best topic to start my blog with.  What does it mean to be American? I am honestly curious how different people from different ethnic backgrounds answer that question with our common connection as American citizens. There was this Psychology teacher at my high school (who I never had) and he said something to his class (God knows if it was every year!) that I overheard from friends and family that has haunted me all these years.  He

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