I realized now that it was easier to love my American identity growing up because I live here and am immersed in it. However, to fall in love with my Vietnamese/Asian identity, I had to actively yearn, learn, wrestle, and independently be curious about it.

My 5 Problems with Being an Asian American Woman

Disclaimer: These are my personal experiences growing up. I know there are Asian American women who have completely different experiences than me and may not agree with anything that I say below. However, to dismiss it is offensive to me because these problems exist in my life even if they have not happened to or affected you personally. I know there will be someone out there who would be able to identify with some of the experiences I have been through though and this post is for them and to open a discussion I don't see anywhere else on the

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I am Asian American: Stop asking me where I am from. Let’s ask a different question.

Since I am a Vietnamese American and have struggled with my identity as I have grown up, I thought it would be the best topic to start my blog with.  What does it mean to be American? I am honestly curious how different people from different ethnic backgrounds answer that question with our common connection as American citizens. There was this Psychology teacher at my high school (who I never had) and he said something to his class (God knows if it was every year!) that I overheard from friends and family that has haunted me all these years.  He

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