Living in America, I find myself having two identities, navigating through them both day in and day out, but never truly fitting into either.

What Does It Mean to Be Asian American?

From one Vietnamese American’s perspective. What does it mean to be Asian American?  I think being Asian American means always being in a state of constant identity limbo. Living in America, I find myself having two identities, navigating through them both day in and day out, but never truly fitting into either. Speaking from only my experience and of those around me, as a person of Asian descent, specifically of Vietnamese descent, there are times when I feel I am not completely accepted within my community. Factors such as language barrier, not knowing the full history of my motherland, and

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I realized now that it was easier to love my American identity growing up because I live here and am immersed in it. However, to fall in love with my Vietnamese/Asian identity, I had to actively yearn, learn, wrestle, and independently be curious about it.

My 5 Problems with Being an Asian American Woman

Disclaimer: These are my personal experiences growing up. I know there are Asian American women who have completely different experiences than me and may not agree with anything that I say below. However, to dismiss it is offensive to me because these problems exist in my life even if they have not happened to or affected you personally. I know there will be someone out there who would be able to identify with some of the experiences I have been through though and this post is for them and to open a discussion I don't see anywhere else on the

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