If you LOVE your skin care routine, you will do it every single day and that is basically the point; ensuring that it is (or becomes) a habit, so you can reap the greatest benefits from your time, dedication, and commitment.

Why You Should Love Your Skin Care Routine

Having a great skin care routine is essential for having--yes, great skin! Therefore, if you LOVE your skin care routine, you will do it every single day and that is basically the point--ensuring that it is (or becomes) a habit, so you can reap the greatest benefits from your time, dedication, and commitment. You schedule for it regularly, you're excited for and enjoy doing it, AND your skin glows. It's all just a nice feedback-looping process! Your skin will thank you and you will feel amazing as a result. It's a win-win. And who doesn't love to win twice for

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Working out is about looking and feeling good according to YOU. Do NOT feel like your body has to match or conform society’s standards or Instagram models.

How to Love Yourself (Part 2)

Last time we talked about: The importance of confidence and attitudeThe need to have a mental chantSpeaking to the mirror at least twice a dayOwning a Love JournalCreating a Before and After List for and about YOUFinding people you respect and aspire to beHaving goals, passions, and hobbiesHaving a list of accomplishments This time we will discuss putting actual action behind your mindset to help build and solidify your confidence and attitude for loving yourself. And that first step will be... working out! Heads up: my discussion for this was longer than expected, so today's post will be entirely devoted

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Falling in love with yourself is a journey.

How To Love Yourself

Loving yourself is hard. However, in order to love someone else--especially, to love them properly, you need to love yourself first. Think of a pitcher of water. It cannot pour anything into another cup if it is itself empty. Therefore, if you have no real love for yourself, you cannot give real love to other people. Otherwise, that “love” you have and will give to others is the type that seeks for something in return when real love should be selfless and genuine in nature. After experiencing a devastating heartbreak earlier this year, I realized that the source of my

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The most important person who should love your body is not men, or your boyfriend, or anyone else for the matter, but YOU!

How To Love Your Small Boobs

DISCLAIMER: None of the images used in this blog post belong to me unless specifically noted. As women, one of the things that matter to us is our femininity. And, personally, for me, at one point in my life, that came from the size of my boobs. As a teenager, I saw that guys were obsessed with boobs and I saw with my own eyes that girls with bigger boobs than me had more attention from them. The media also seemed to tell me that having big boobs and butt, having long lashes, plump lips, and pretty fingernails made a

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We’re all humans and we’re all shaped and formed by different experiences. Hence, we will not click with everyone. And that is a key concept that you need to understand when finding the person who you will enter a romantic relationship with; it’s who is compatible and who complements you despite your different backgrounds, personalities, histories, baggage, and life experiences.

The 75+ Lessons You Should Know Before Dating (Part 9)

Hello and welcome back to Part 9 of The 75+ Lessons You Should Know Before Dating blog series. The recaps are getting longer, so I will put them at the end of the post; that way, you guys don’t have to scroll through ALL of it to get to the main meat and potatoes. Therefore, if you want to check out what we have talked about before this post, scroll all the way down to the end. Otherwise, let’s head straight into the post! 62. Do Not Ever Try to Persuade or Give Your Date Reasons to Keep You Around

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In a world where big boobs are glorified, I sometimes find myself feeling a bit self-conscious with my small ones. Growing up with them, I have always compared myself to my peers, other girls, and even celebrities. Having them has given me anxiety…

Talk with Donuts Podcast Episode 2: The Perks of Having Small Boobs

What's it like to have small boobs? In a world where big boobs are glorified, I sometimes find myself feeling a bit self-conscious with my small ones. Growing up with them, I have always compared myself to my peers, other girls, and even celebrities. Having them has given me anxiety from my mother hurling endless advice on how to grow them, to my hair dresser telling me that my dating preference might be disappointed with my size, to myself feeling not feminine enough to the point of not loving my own body. In this week's Talk with Donuts podcast, I

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Do not ever go into a date trying to impress the other person. This is NOT a job interview. It’s not supposed to be! Rather, reprogram your thinking from “how do I make this person like me enough to consider me to be a potential or future boyfriend/girlfriend/partner?” TO “How can this person [your date] add to my life?”

The 75+ Lessons You Should Know Before Dating (Part 8)

Welcome back, guys, to Part 8 of The 75+ Lessons You Should Know Before Dating blog series. Today, we are going to talk about what happens when you are in the midst of the Dating Game; so seeking potential candidates in real life at a bar, club, or anywhere you prefer to hang out at ORRR online via dating apps.  Again, here is your reminder of how far we have come:  Part 1 Evaluate Yourself Before You DateYou Are SpecialHave StandardsLove Yourself BEFORE DatingIt’s Okay to Be Alone Part 2 Be YouLeave Anyone Who Cannot Accept You For YouHave a

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And it’s troubling because this attitude and its resulting behaviors affect us, Asian women. And we want to be safe, feel safe, and be loved the right way: for WHO we are. Not for WHAT we are or are born as.

Talk with Donuts Podcast Episode 1: Asian Fetishization or Sexual Kink?

Welcome everyone to the first episode of the Talk with Donuts Podcast! I am your host Donuts and today we will talk about a situation and figure out whether or not it is one that fetishizes Asian women or is one about a normal sexual kink. Here is a short clip of the podcast below via Spotify. You can hear the whole thing with the second file below too via Radio Public. You can find the podcast on Spotify, Anchor, Pocket Cast, and RadioPublic. https://open.spotify.com/episode/44Byv1Elif26rDcGdtjA32?si=KOPYB1CXRkGCgpnpNgzgmg Here is the rough (not exact) transcript of the podcast if you want to follow

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Welcome to my Podcast: Talk with Donuts! 🙂 You guys can finally get to hear what my voice sounds like and actually talk with me!

Talk with Donuts Podcast Introduction

Welcome to my Podcast: Talk with Donuts! :) You guys can finally get to hear what my voice sounds like and actually talk with me! Here is a clip of my introduction via Spotify. You can click on the link shown at the end to be directly taken to Spotify where you can hear the rest of the introduction. OR you can also hear the entire introduction conveniently here right underneath Spotify's file thanks to Radio Public! https://open.spotify.com/episode/6yh99yxRLDEJMGT5mFporq?si=FmvYL9ZXSo2NdwPGt_DXPA https://radiopublic.com/talk-with-donuts-G2KEDL/s1!3e4e4 The podcast is on Spotify, Radio Public, Pocket Cast, and Anchor, so click on the links to go to your favorite

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And it’s troubling because this attitude and its resulting behaviors affect us. And we want to be safe, feel safe, and be loved the right way: for WHO we are. Not for WHAT we are or are born as.

Asian Fetishization or Sexual Kink?

HEADS UP! If you don't want to read, you can listen to the audio version of this blog post by clicking here. Enjoy! A couple weeks ago, one of my friends sent me picture of a post she had found on Reddit.  After reading it, I was a bit annoyed, so I typed the title into Google and found the post. I'll link it underneath the podcast for you guys if you're interested on seeing it yourself: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/if3xgf/my_27f_boyfriend_27m_asked_me_to_act_more_kawaii/ From Reddit Now, I’m not surprised it's another situation about an Asian girl complaining about her white boyfriend's actions. But I was more interested

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